

A webhook is an HTTP-based callback function that allows lightweight, usually event-driven communication between two APIs. Webhooks are used by a wide variety of web apps to receive small amounts of data from other apps when specific events occur. This is especially useful for integration with third-party APIs. They have a message—or payload—and are sent to a unique URL configured by the consumer. Webhooks are an advantage in an API as they are almost always faster than polling for an updated status or parsing to determine which events or changes are new within a timeline.

  • Services MAY implement push notifications, HTTP callbacks, and other event notifications via webhooks.
  • Services MAY implement HTTP callback endpoints as a webhook consumer from other systems and/or APIs.
Push notification via HTTP Callbacks, often called Web Hooks, to publicly-addressable servers.

Webhook Consumer

Webhook consumption often requires building API endpoints to receive webhook-specific request schemas, headers and authorization that is different from current API style and standards as webhook requests are owned by its producer and not the consumer. As a result webhook consumers should recognize this and organize webhook consuming endpoints accordingly.

Webhook consuming endpoints:

  • MAY NOT follow API Standards or best practices when it does not pose inherit security risks or affect the rest of the API design consistency and experience.
  • MUST be marked as internal usage only in the design specification. Internal usage implies that the endpoint should only be used by the API owner themselves, including the configuration of that endpoint by them against a third party system if needed. Internal usage does not imply the endpoint is not publicly addressable (i.e. in Open API Spec, this would translate to x-internal: true).
  • SHOULD be POST endpoints unless specifically needing an alternative by the webhook producer.
  • MUST be sent over HTTPS without exception.
  • MUST be secured with a unique secret key or token that prevents general requests to the webhook endpoint not from the webhook producer.
  • MUST use a route with path prefix /_webhooks/ to clearly identify the endpoint intention and purpose for internal usage.
  • SHOULD indicate the webhook producer or product in the route path if the endpoint is intended for a vendor specific request only, for example /_webhooks/product-name/ (e.g. /_webhooks/sendgrid/).
  • MAY indicate a particular type of event or purpose in the route path if needed to disambiguate between different types of webhook events coming from the same webhook producer, for example /_webhooks/product-name/specific-event (e.g. /_webhooks/sendgrid/email-sent).


POST /_webhooks/sendgrid/email-sent             # variations of different events for sendgrid email SaaS offering
POST /_webhooks/sendgrid/email-opened
POST /_webhooks/sendgrid/email-clicked
POST /_webhooks/sendgrid                        # some webhoosk producers may want a single endpoint to send all events too
                                                # the request payload typically would indicate the event type
POST /_webhooks/email-event                     # a more generic event that might be used in more confiurable webhook producers
                                                # where a single hook and event structure makes sense (same payload schema)
GET /_webhooks/sendgrid/email-sent              # should be a POST request      
POST /_webhooks/                                # requires at least one identifier after /_webhooks/
POST /hooks/sendgrid/email-sent                 # prefix path must be /_webhooks/
POST /hooks/sendgrid/email_sent                 # continue to support API Standards where you can, using kebab-case in the URL.
                                                # typically, the webhook producer must at least make the path configurable.

Webhook Producer

Webhook producer standards and best practices are still under development. Some relevant starting material: [Microsoft REST API Guidelines: Webhooks](https://github.com/Microsoft/api-guidelines/blob/master/Guidelines.md#14-push-notifications-via-webhooks)